If you have started in the world of Crossfit, you will surely have seen many words on the box board, such as: AMRAP. What is it? AMRAP comes from the acronym "as many reps as possible" which translated means, "to do as many reps as possible". It is a type of Crossfit training where the maximum number of repetitions are performed in a certain time. This word is usually accompanied by the word WOD "Workout of the Day" which means "workout of the day" since it involves various daily routines of about 20 minutes approximately each in which you will achieve the desired results. If you perform an AMRAP you will notice how you begin to sweat, becoming almost out of breath, with the feeling of having worked muscles in focused areas in an integral way; An excellent workout to burn fat and totally feasible to get hold of our own body weight, although you can increase the intensity by adding material.
Benefits of AMRAP WOD
- One of the main benefits of AMRAP is that it is one of the most popular metabolic workouts, allowing you to accumulate a high volume of training and burn a lot of calories in a very short period of time.
- You will significantly increase your level of physical condition in general, due to the constant volume of work and the need to recover between one set and the next will be better and better.
- AMRAPs allow you to strengthen movements, endurance and conditioning.
- By making notes of the number of repetitions within your daily training routine, you will be able to evaluate the progression, which are very useful for CrossFit.
- You will improve your breathing and repetition rate, which is undoubtedly essential to perform an AMRAP properly. If you control your breathing and heartbeat, you will learn how to dose energy during any type of workout.
- It has an important psychological component, since your training must start from your mental power, to achieve the greatest efficiency, concentration and willpower. Not giving up is important and knowing that it is a training that requires perseverance and discipline like everyone else.
- They can be done in any space you want, such as inside the gym, at home or perfectly outdoors.
3 AMRAP WOD to include in your CrossFit routine
WOD CINDY: This AMRAP is one of the most used within the CroosFit category of this type of training. It lasts 20 minutes, in which you must perform the following exercises:
- 5 Pull-ups: The pull-ups will be performed with a barbell, with a pronation grip, that is, with the palms of the hands facing outwards, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. The muscles worked are those of the back and arms.
- 10 push-ups or push-ups: It is a common exercise to work the chest muscles, at first they can be somewhat complicated, but after you acquire the technique and strength well they will be much easier to perform. The technique must be correct, with the palms of the hands resting on the floor at shoulder height and the back straight.
- 15 air squats: It is a highly recommended exercise for beginners as it is performed without load. With it you will work the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The correct way to perform them is by placing your arms extended in front, your feet shoulder-width apart, we lower the hips by bending the legs placing the hips at the height of the knees with the back straight, hold for a few seconds and then go up.
WOD DANNY: It is another training within the AMRAP category, it includes the following training circuits and its duration time is 20 minutes on average.
30 box jumps: It consists of jumping on a box of 61 or 50 centimeters, with this type of exercise you will work the muscles of the glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. To perform a box jump, you must start from the correct position, so the distance between your feet should be linear to the side, as if you were going to do squats.
It is best to stand at a distance of about 20 cm from the box, bring your arms and shoulders back to gain momentum, keep your back straight and perform the jump potentially extending your ankles, knees and hips while suddenly bringing your arms forward to achieve an optimal jump over the box.
- 20 push presses: Se puede realizar con discos de 34 o 52 kilos, de acuerdo a tu resistencia y fuerza. Con este entrenamiento incluido en los AMRAP trabajarás músculos de las piernas, glúteos, abdomen, espalda, brazos y hombros. Con el push press se debe empujar la barra por encima de la cabeza mientras se completa la extensión de la cadera y piernas.
- -30 pull-ups: Igual a los explicados en los ejercicios de Cindy.
WOD MARY: Este entrenamiento dentro de la rutina de los AMRAP WOD combina una serie de ejercicios donde trabajarás tu equilibrio, resistencia y fortaleza, incluye las siguientes series:
- 5 handstand push-ups: Es un ejercicio que no debe faltar dentro de los AMRAP, ya que te asegura ganar masa muscular y fortalecer tus brazos, hombros y muñecas. Como todo ejercicio debes practicarlo para poder mejorar su técnica.
- Te debes colocar con la cabeza hacia abajo apoyado sobre tus brazos, tu cuerpo reposará sobre una pared, por lo que las muñecas reciben toda la presión de peso corporal. El cuerpo debe estar completamente extendido trabajando también en lo posible el equilibrio corporal.
- -10 pistol squats: Es un ejercicio que complementa una ligera dificultad de ejecución hasta que se logra el fortalecimiento adecuado aprendiendo bien su técnica. Trabajarás el tren inferior, específicamente los cuádriceps además de trabajar el equilibrio corporal y la estabilidad del core. Requiere de la mobilidad de la cadera y la articulación del tobillo.
- Es parecido a realizar una sentadilla, pero se hace con una sola pierna a la vez mientras la otra debe estar extendida completamente hacia adelante y perpendicular al piso. Si eres principiante, te puedes ayudar realizándola con el apoyo de un banco, sentándome sobre él por cada flexión de la pierna que realices o ayudándote mientras te sujetas de un tubo para lograr mejor estabilidad.
- -15 pull-ups: Igual a los explicados en los ejercicios de Cindy.
Por último debemos recordar que los AMRAP requieren de compromiso y constancia, podrás valorar tu mismo los avances y resultados en tu día a día. Tu cuerpo y resistencia física serán tus mejores aliados.